READ CAREFULLY ~ Then Compare ~ He's Right ~ There is a Difference!! AIM Entertainment Is Better

Posted : Monday, January 27, 2025 10:13 AM | 5 views

READ CAREFULLY .........Then Compare-He's Right - There is a Difference!! AIM Entertainment is Better ________________________________________ Papa Bear versus Mean Old Grumpy Lying Bear ONLY AIM Entertainment Agency (Memphis Best Escorts) has been providing Safe, Honest Adult Entertainment in the privacy of your own location, and in addition we provide In Calls in Nice Clean Hotels for those that DO NOT wish to have someone come to their home, apartment or hotel for whatever reason SINCE 2009. Yes, You Now have a new and better choice of an Escort Agency to choose from, AIM Entertainment Agency/MEMPHIS BEST ESCORTS, Call 901-292-3374 for Memphis or 615-473-5936 for Nashville. AIM Entertainment Agency (Memphis Best Escorts) will Never have women sitting in (usually cheap) motel rooms. Call the ones who do, Nor will we send unattractive women out to your home, apartment or hotel. Call the ones that do and have been SINCE 1980! In-Call is when one person (business), usually WITHOUT PERMISSION, secretly Uses another persons Property as if it were there own. IT IS NOT!! He's WRONG...If your conducting legal business and rented the room, what goes in the room is between two consenting adults. There are a lot of business that either do to their lease ending early or some other reason why they conduct business out of a hotel room, or even live oout of a hotel room when their home is flooded like recently in Memphis and in Nashville. We Do Have Permission to Conduct Business in the Privacy of the Rooms we rent. According to him, when your wife leaves for out of town, be sure to sure to ask your significant other if they mind if you bring over an unattractive lady from a company conducting business from the 1980's. ASK him why he list ladies names without pictures or post ads with trees and swimming pools and Dolphins. Hopefully no one is INTO Dolphins for Escort Services. Now you know why others have told me not to worry about him, that he is an idiot, their words, not mine, of course, I do agree with his former customers (Now Mine) that were treated rudely by him and some of his women....My business has actually increased due to his negative campaign smear. Because people are comparing the difference in the Ladies and the quality of service that we provide versus what he has to offer. The upper scale clients generally do tip very well and I certainly WILL NOT tell a lady that she doesn't deserve a tip, if the customer thought enough of her to give her one....That is between the client and the lady, only someone looking out for their personal gain would only think to make such a stupid statement...If you think a lady doesn't deserve a tip, then you are certainly NOT expected to give her one, It's ALWAYS the customers choice and the lady ALWAYS has a right to choose who they wish to see or not. His ladies can and do have that same right, he does not own the ladies, even though he acts like he does. I personally want to know if anyone is ever demanded to tip or asked for a tip. Regardless of what he tries to imply about interviews, etc. My ladies are trained and we are selective in the ladies that we hire. Our ladies actually enjoy working for AIM Entertainment Agency and are Always treated with dignity and respect. I Do Not disrespect them, NOR DO I ALLOW someone else to disrespect them. Just because a Client has money or not DOES NOT Entitle them to disrespect someone, especially our ladies. BE SAFE from Unethical Business Practices Using another person's Property or another person's Business Name, in any manner for Personal Gain, is an Unethical attempt to trick you, the general public. He's right there, Memphis Best Escorts is a part of Aim Entertainment Agency, I also own the domain name. If you are not the best any longer then an ethical and honest person would drop the name BEST from the Memphis Escort, like bestmemphisescorts and just be memphis escorts and/or drop the (Best)from the Entertainment Agency part of their name. Look at how many companies that have been around for thirty years that are no longer the best and look at all the banks and mortgage companies that have been around a long time and screwed the general public, but because the competition (AIM Entertainment Agency) came in and saw the things that WERE NOT OFFERED or Women that were not attractive and provided a better service and more attractive Escorts for the same price or FOR LESS, when we run discounted pricing or take advantage of our V.I.P. program. Be Safe and Protect Yourself. PLEASE LOOK CAREFULLY...At The Quality of Women That They Are Wanting to Send Out To You for The Same Price or more Than what we Charge for more attractive Ladies that are trained not to leave personal items behind, like some of other agency owner women have done. Divorce can be costly. CALL 901-292-3374 or 615-473-5936 for Safe, Honest Adult Entertainment in the Discreet Comfort of your own location or in a nice clean hotel room of your or our choosing, ASK him if he has permission from the Hotel Owners to send his women out to your hotel.....LOL, SINCE 1980...I guess he forgot that it's a two way street... NEVER using another's business name in an attempt to confuse, trick or find customes, AIM Entertainment Agency; memphisbestescorts, has been providing SAFE, HONEST Adult Entertainment in the Discreet Comfort of your own location or ours for 2 YEARS; SINCE 2009, and doing it better than businesses that have been around SINCE 1980. If you have ever been a victim of the Unethical Business Practice of taking your money and then being told "Donations (tips) are appreciated or needed before the show begins, Please Call 901-292-3374 or 615-473-5936 and NEVER have that problem again! If it does happen report it to me...BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEAR at (901) 292-3374 or at (615) 473-5936...The difference is that we deal with upper scale Clientele for the most part that (OFFER TIPS) for a more attractive Lady than what other Agencies send out....Our Ladies will never ASK FOR OR DEMAND A TIP, but they are certainly appreciated if YOU FEEL LIKE THEY EARNED ONE...The difference is that....YES, other Agency Owners that have been around SINCE 1980 have allowed their women to take tips while claiming that they don't just to lure you in to more unattractive ladies making YOU THINK THAT YOUR GETTING A DEAL...I'll always be honest with you, instead of being a hypocrite. At AIM Entertainment Agency (memphisbestescorts) there is no need to defend ourselves, post justifications, but we do defend our self against liars, We DO NOT engage in name calling, even if they are an idiot , confuse the public or use another's name as our own, list names on our website of women that haven't worked there in a long time or post pictures with their faces faded out or just post pictures with their head turned or just a body shot. CALL 901-292-3374 or 615-473-5936 for Safe, Honest Adult Entertainment in the Discreet Comfort of your own location or in a nice clean hotel of our choice...or if you wish to choose and pay for another hotel that is closer to you or of your preference....then you can pay for it and the young ladies will come to you. SINCE 1980. Without YOU, Our Loyal Customers, some being his former Customers we would not be here. THANK YOU for your Patronage. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBear (doing honest business SINCE 2009) HIRING NOTICE: We Do Allow You to Accept Tips, If You Have Earned It or If It's Offered. But We Do Not Demand it or Ask For It.... Never have to audition to get or keep a job. Never have to give a body rub to get or keep a job. Never have to take unwanted photos to get or keep a job. Never have to sit in cheap motel rooms to get or keep a job. Never feel pressured to perform for an owner/manager to get or keep a job If you are interested in Joining a Safe, Honest and Ethical referral service for models/escorts SINCE 2009............................. CALL 901-292-3374 in Memphis or 615-473-5936 in Nashville and visit my website at then look at his, there is no comparison. putas en memphis,backpage memphis,black shemale escorts,chattanoogaescorts,shemale escorts buffalo,tint world salem nh,nashville tn escorts,broward listcrawler,trans escorts nashville,escorts in west virginia
  • Poster's age : 26
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  • City : Memphis
  • Location : Memphis and Nashville, TN.