Aaapris ~ bestmphsescort ~ ATTACKS ~ AIM Entertainment ~ mphsbestescort ~ AGAIN

Posted : Monday, January 27, 2025 02:28 PM | 4 views

Aaapris/bestmemphisescorts ATTACKS AIM Entertainment/memphisbestescorts AGAIN We question Barry with Aaapris/bestmemphisescorts motivations with regards to his latest attacks on of us. He is well aware that we moderate content and he has painstakingly trolled our content and business to find the least little thing to cast us in bad light, he has failed miserly, yet continues to be a hater. He demonstrates that he can NOT compete fairly without using unethical business practices, lying and slamming his competitors. His Ads DO NOT not represent the TRUTH of legal content or business practices found on our site or implemented within our company, our name, domain names, business and hiring practices, etc.. It appears to us Bear of Aaapris/bestmemphisescorts doesn’t like the competition and is using his ads to trash us. Here are some examples of Bears hypocrisy: He THINKS he is the ONLY one that has the right to use the words MEMPHIS or BEST or ESCORTs in their business He cited examples where Aim Entertainment Agency/memphisbestescorts is copying his name of bestmemphisescorts, we own the name and domain rights to Memphis Best Escorts and Nashville Best Escorts, My name is Barry, the same as his and I have gone by Bear my entire life, I have that RIGHT to use my name and or Names in any manner that I choose and we constantly point out to the public in an attempt NOT TO CONFUSE the general public to make them think that we are like Aaapris/bestmemphisescorts in any manner. We are UNIQUE and STAND ALONE on OUR NAME and Business Practices. We DO NOT WISH to be confused for NOT being the BEST, we ARE selective in the ladies we hire and YES, you must interview just like you would for any other job. YOU DO NOT have to have sex with the management/owner to get a job or keep a job and NEVER will, that has never been a practice of AIM Entertainment Agency, but a practice that he might employ. We DO NOT just hire any girl and stick them out there without training, We like to insure that our Clients only receive the BEST Memphis Escorts, We don't take the word BEST lightly, if he can't or won't improve the quality of his services, then he shouldn't be jealous or a hater of those that do and spread lies in an attempt to fool the public. He needs to DROP the WORD (BEST) from his company and quit using it, until he shows that he is truly the BEST, like We have. We're always Striving to improve the quality of service to our clients and prospective clients. If you go to his site he has a slide show of stock photos of women that DO NOT work for him, then he has names of Women that don't have pictures or with their heads turned or body shots without the head or showing the face. He says that tips are never demanded or requested, but DOES ALLOW his ladies to take tips. We also DO NOT demand tips or request them, but they are certainly appreciated, if YOU the client feel that they are deserving of one. He speaks out of both sides of his mouth. He puts down In-Calls as cheap and puts out false statement concerning in-calls, instead of providing MORE service and options to his customers that MAY NOT WANT out-calls. We offer both to our Clientele. He has and continues to use our name in his ads and slam us directly and indirectly. He DOES NOT KNOW how to improve his own business, so he wants to whine, lie and try to fool the public into not trying a better way of doing business with a BETTER agency (AIM Entertainment Agency/MEMPHIS BEST ESCORTS) that hires BEAUTIFUL, professional and Discreet Ladies with genuine pictures and slide shows. We led the way in the past and still continue to look for ways to improve the services, images and business practices within the Adult Entertainment Business. We think Aaapris/bestmemphisescortt may wish to follow suit in their business practices of being an HONEST and ETHICAL Agency. He needs to worry about his own image and quit preaching about how others run their business and try to learn to compete fairly without all the hypocrisy and lying. Aaapris/bestmemphisescorts HAS been around longer than most other agencies, but longevity DOES NOT mean better, look at all these BIG companies that are being brought to light over their unethical business practices and unconcern for our well being in the banking, oil and mortgage industries, etc. Instead of attacking other agencies, we plan to move forward on our plans to add more staff and development resources to improve our services, quality of ladies, pricing, etc.. We are very proud of the robust upper scale clientele that we have grown over the last couple of years serving both In-Call and Out-Call Clientele. We have become the LARGEST and MOST EXCLUSIVE all purpose Escort Agency in Tennessee, even though Aaapris/bestmemphisescorts has been around SINCE 1980, they have continued to lose clients and put forth a lesser quality of service and representation to the general public through distorting the truth and out right lying. We are OK with that as we continue to grow and constantly upgrade our ability to serve our clients, but we wonder why Aaapris/bestmemphisescorts, the (old) 800 pound gorilla has such enmity for us. Are they afraid of competition? I think so! PapaBEAR - FORGET THE REST and CALL THE BEST! (901) 292-3374 Memphis or (615) 473-5936 Nashville AIM Entertainment Agency/MEMPHIS BEST ESCORTS and NASHVILLE BEST ESCORTS killeen tx escorts,skip the games new haven,escorts wheeling wv,shemale escorts in nashville,visalia escorts ts,massage envy south tampa,sarasota shemale escorts,tranny memphis escort,escorts in johnson city,nashville male escorts
  • Poster's age : 28
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  • City : Memphis
  • Location : Memphis and Surrounding Area