Mon 27 Jan
¤¤ SiLkY ·· SMOOOTH ·· ¤¤ All ·· NATURAL ___ GODESS!¡! ·· ¤¤ ReAd¥ To PlEaSe!! ¤¤ - 21
♛ •T•° °•O•° °•P•° _____ °•O•° °•F•° _____°•T•° H °•E•° _____ °•L• °•I•° °•N•° °•E• (Few New Pics) - 26
(Memphis, Memphis... I take credit cards)
►❤ 2 GIRLS▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ DISCRETE ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ UNRUSHED!! ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ LONG LEGS!!! ♥▃▅▆██▆▅ - 24 - 24
(Memphis, memphis incall or outcall)
We All Do It... I Just Do It With More Sensuality & Class! Verified Ebony W/ Excellent Reviews! - 30
(Memphis, Memphis 100/30 // 200/60)
[ X ] R@TeD - - SPeCiaLS === AvaiLabLe --->>> SweeT & CreaMY [ ReaDY 2 PLaY! ] - 26
(Memphis, OutCalls ALLOveR!)
*****XXpeience Chocolate Beauty -140 hr. InSpecials - Avail. IN/OUT - 27
(Memphis/Airways&240/Surroundng areas)
~*ViSiTinG*~ ONE Night ONLY so HURRY °*60 SpL*° SexY BlonDe BBW ~Face~ 2 Die 4 *KiSSeS*HuGe - 27
(Memphis, Downtown Memphis)
VISION unlimited pleasure ~~LATIN LUV callievision@ 9013511383 NO RUSHING Age: - 30
(Memphis, MT. MORIAH 38117)
·°.Tis the season,,, 2 B N@ug#7y! Ask me, I'm sure I'll say YES!. - 26
(Memphis, Up$cale Sycamore View Location)
*****Xperience Chocolate Beauty- *Special* 140 Hr In Only -Avail. In/Out***** - 27
(Memphis/Airways&240/Airport area)
✨💋👣✨💋👣👣✨✨Upscale pretty face petite hottie ✨👣💋 - 23
(Downtown.germantown.cordova.All casinos, Memphis)
Very Well Reviewed, Verified By Many... Proof Always Provided And No Upsales - 28
(Memphis, sycamore view)
Pretty face, Fat ASS ,Thick Thighs, What more COULD u Ask for?? - 27
(West MEMPHIS/ Ark/ close to racetrack)
💥🔥Red HOTT Red Head 🔥 Hott natural body 🔥 I Accept ALL Gentlemen** - 23
(Memphis, memphis tn incall or outcall)
💖Pɾҽttʏ 🍰S㉫xy🍦B㉫AU†ƴ💖Ï๓ SŴ㉫㉫† 🍭🍰 SA†ÏSσAඋ†Ï✿Ǹ GAµrAǸ†㉫㉫d👍 - - 19
(East Memphis & Outcalls All Over, Memphis)
✌piece SPECIAL...nothing but Breasts Legs,and thighs 💕💕 - 20
(Memphis, mine or yours(trucker/casino friendly))
☆ ☆ ❤P€RF€CT COMPANi0N F0R @LL Y0UR N@UGHTY PL€@SUR€S* • 💎❤.•*TRU€LY UNiQU€ »1 iN @ MiLLi0N ❤ ☆ ☆ - 28
(Memphis, OutCalls Everywhere!)
*Pretty Face* *Exotic Curves* *Very Freaky Girl* *TrUe DeFiNiTiOn Of SeXy* - 25
(E.Memphis/Tunica InCalls&OutCalls;)
Quality with an 80.00 hourly rate. Special 80.00 hourly rate TODAY - 29
(Memphis, NEW 4 Star LOCATION)
I'm here to please you!!!!! Forget the rain let's play!!!! - 24
(Nashville, airport/ everywhere Nashville)
👅👅i HEARD She can do some tricks with her mouth👅It get SUPER 💦💦💦Natural DD's Ebony FUN SIZED - 20
(Memphis, mine or yours(trucker/casino friendly))
I'm Michelle, A Busty Sensuous & Sexy Escort, Let's have some sexy fun I want to "FULLY" PLEASE YOU - 31
(Bartlett Incall or Outcall 2 You, Memphis)
_____ _____ _____ _____ I aiN'T GoT aNY PaNTieS oN _____ _____ _____ _____ - 25
( ( ( ( ( _____ _____ GooD To THe LaST DRoP _____ _____ ) ) ) ) ) - 25
◆ — H Â V € ———— ¥ Õ U ———— § T Â N Ð ¡ N G ———— L ¡ K € ———— Â ———— C H Â M P — ◆ - 24
(Clarksville, ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤ €xo©ti¢ R€D H€@D ❥» ❶)
_____ (--- GoRGeOuS ---) _____ (--- HiGHLy SKiLLeD ---) _____ (--- WeLL ReViEWeD ---) _____ - 25
(memphis, jackson, tunica, arkansas)
🔥CAUTION¡🔥 ßiG BoOty 38 F rACk °•○●◇ $uPer FRe@ky °•¤◆ Toni the tiger Grreat ¡!! - 20
(Memphis, 240 and Popular babi...)
* ★ (C L I C K H E R E ) ★ Br UnEtTe PlaYmate(#1 ChOiCe) AvaiLable NoW - 24
(German T0wn IN/OUT)
««BIG BOOTY»» LoVerS ParsDiSe All NaTural ViXeN {GREAT SpeCIAlS}®® - 22
(Memphis, Incalls & Outcalls)
BETTER Than HER👆and👇HER💚💚 Total PACKAGE✅✅ Long LEGS🍬🍬 ♡💜❤ Beautiful - 28
(Memphis, Memphis.... Call me❗❗)
Busty Blonde ... Real and Reviewed ... Early morning and Afternoon incall Specials..... - 25
✋Bend it over💞👅Put a arch in my back👙 💞 BUST it open 👅 petite ebony FUNSIZED💞 natural DD's - 19
(Memphis, mine or yours(trucker/casino friendly))
_____ * _____ * BeST oF BoTH WoRLDs WiTH YoUR DReaM GiRLS * _____ * _____ 2 GIRL SPECIALS - 25
BOOTY PICS!! BOOTY PICS!! Caution! Men Open With Care!! 100% ALL NATURAL AZZ! Outcall Specials - 23
(Memphis, Memphis InOut Calls)
💕·♥· 💕B ε A U † i F U ℓ💕 ·♥·💕 YoUnG█♥█ MaDE •°★ FoR•°⇨ YoUR★•°• PLeaSuRe💕·♥· 💕τθρ Qυαℓιτγ♚ ♥* - 19
(Memphis, East Memphis,Getwell and American way)
*** Be AuTiFuL *** ((ErOTiC)) *** PLaYm aTe . - 21
(wolfchase area)
Sun 26 Jan
Mon 13 Jan
🔥🔥 This Will Be An Everlasting Experience‼️ All Natural Country Raised Beauty 👑 Sariyah 👑 - 19
(East Memphis, Incall Only, Memphis)
*****XXperience Chocolate Beauty- 140 Hr. InSpecials- Avail. IN&OUT; ****** - 27
(Memphis/Airways&240/Surroundng areas)
VerY OpenMinded -( BrAnD new ) Come GeT Me BoYs {OUTCALLS ONLY) PLaTiNuM BaRbie - Amazing Body - 21
(Memphis'Tunica& Ark;Surr Areas)
~*Three Beautiful Ladies That Wants To Pamper and Spoil You~You'll Love It*~ - 20
(Memphis and Tunica)
Sun 12 Jan
_____ _____ _____ Y i'M THe aLL TiMe FaVoRiTe* * _____ _____ _____ - 25
(MeMPHiS, TuNiCa, JaCKSoN, aRKaNSaS)
►❤ 2 GIRLS▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ DISCRETE ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ UNRUSHED!! ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ LONG LEGS!!! ♥▃▅▆██▆▅ - - 24
(Memphis, memphis surrounding areas tunica)
►❤ 2 GIRLS▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ DISCRETE ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ UNRUSHED!! ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ LONG LEGS!!! ♥▃▅▆██▆▅ - 24 - 24
(Memphis, memphis tn)
►❤ 2 GIRLS▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ DISCRETE ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ UNRUSHED!! ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ LONG LEGS!!! ♥▃▅▆██▆▅ - 24 - 24
(Memphis, memphis tn)
~*~*~*~*~*~ :) AVAILABLE 24/7!!! :) ~*~*~* #1 Blonde Playmate of the year!!! :) ~*~*~* - 23
(Memphis, Incall & Outcalls Will travel to Tunica)
No DiSaPPOinTmeNtS ★ STuNNiNg MiX ★T0TaL KNOCKOUT°° (100% SeXy - SPECIALS !!! =) - 26
(Memphis, Memphis/Tunica INorOUT)
S_U_L_T_R_Y Seductive _E_X_O_T_I_C L_A_T_I_N_A_ *K_I_T_T_E_N* - 26
(Memphis, E.Memphis IN&OUT;)
(Memphis, Memphis INorOUT)
♛ •T•° °•O•° °•P•° _____ °•O•° °•F•° _____°•T•° H °•E•° _____ °•L• °•I•° °•N•° °•E• (Few New Pics) - 26
(Memphis, Memphis... I take credit cards)
Mia Millionz last day in town....Must See Now!!! Crazy out Specials - 19
(Memphis, Raleigh Area/ Warford Exit)
NEW!!!! Southern Caramel Barbie Ready With The New Playground ...Mia Millionz - 19
(Memphis, Memphis Airport)
°°°RATED ® For Most Freakiiest & Sexiiest BIG BOOTY THICK Barbie °°° 70*100 SpeC All Night - 22
(Memphis, Incall)