Tue 07 Jan
Erotic,SWEET & O SO Sexy.... HOT BUSTY BRUNETTE .... Open Minded and LOVES to PLAY!!! - 24
(German Town IN/OUT)
👑Tasty EboneyGoddest👑💎IN💖HARD WORK PAYS off SO come GET the Pleasure you DESIRVE💋In/OUTweIGh - 18
(Memphis, Brooks and Millbranch)
$$$Specials-- Specials$$$ SEXY Italian and Latina BEAUTY ! - 24
(Memphis, Memphis/Jackson/Southaven/westmemphis)
Onion Booty Stallion!! Come play!! 50 incall only special!! 80 outcall southmemphis Elvis presley - 20
(Memphis, Outcalls All over West Memphis Southaven)
Mon 06 Jan
( ! ! ( ! ! ( CLICK HERE ) ! ! ) ! ! ) ~ ~ Special~ ~ * * UpScAlE * * OnE Of A KiNd !! ) ! ! ) ! ! ) - 25
(Memphis, Memphis, Tunica)
•©•:*However You Want It *:•©•:* :•©•:* PUR€ PL€Å§UR€ *:•© Rare Breed ~~€ - 21
(Memphis, Germantown.cordova.casinos.truckers)
*$$ Hosting and Ready 4 You $$* 80$ Specials/Double Trouble Specials Upon Request $$ 9012752632 - 23
(Memphis, East Memphis/American Way/ Mt.Moriah)
( =F_L_¡_R_T_y= __ °o♥° __ =_X_o_T_¡_© = __ °o♥°__ =B__a_U_T_y ) - 23
(Memphis, Memphis, Tunica)
"Amorous is back for a limited time only. 🕓⏳ - 21
(Memphis, Incalls And Outcalls All Night(Sycamore))
Comfort Models is now Hiring incall & outcall Attractive Blonde's To work in Auburn Al great Money - 99
(Hiring now Auburn Al Blonde's, Memphis)
Sun 05 Jan
↬ΡRξΜiξRξ ΡLαΥΜαΤξ↫ ξscαρε iητσ M¥ ωσr∫d & ξηjσγツÇσmε Trεατ Your∫elf ⭐️U + ME = WOW! - 28
(**OUTCALLS**, Memphis)
Start your Weekend off right with a treat so Sweet it's good enough to Eat - 20
!__ *BeInG* __!!__ *ThIs * __!!__* BaD *__!!__ * FeELs* __!!__* So0* __!!__ *Go0D - 21
(Memphis, BACK IN TOWN airport area)
Back in town for a short time!!!!come get your money worth!!!! on this rainy night - 25
(Memphis, midtown surrounding areas)
➜💋 Sexy girl at your door 💕🍒➜ Outcalls only ✧🍭Jackson & surrounding✧💋Text me anytime(; - 22
(Memphis, Jackson)
Sat 04 Jan
$$$Specials-- Specials$$$ SEXY Italian and Latina BEAUTY ! - 24
(Memphis, Memphis/Jackson/Southaven/westmemphis)
"Amorous is back for a limited time only. 🕓⏳ Come Play 🍬🍭🍒🍑🍓 Specials till 3 - 21
(Memphis, Incalls And Outcalls All Night(Sycamore))
"SPECIALS” ☆((( •♥• Sweet Classy Sassy•♥• ))) ☆ Welcome to JADES World - 23
(Memphis, Memphis, Jackson, Tunica, W. Mem.)
Fri 03 Jan
🔥💥🔥💥 Come Find OUT why I'm so ⚠ P 🌟 O 🌟 P 🌟 U 🌟 L 🌟 A 🌟 R ⚠ 🔥💥🔥💥 🚬🚬 (N E W Pics) - 20
(Memphis, EAST MEMPHIS incall & outcall 👐)
SPECIALS:¦: ❤ :¦: 100% :ME :OR :ITS :FREE ✖ _ :B :L :Õ :N :Ð : _ :¦: LAST DAY :I: - 19
(Memphis, Memphis, Tn)
Specials Specials Specials INN AND OUT CALLS ACCEPTED!!!!!!!Paris Chocolate Sensational🍫🍫 - 25
(Memphis, Memphis Tn)
♡♥Enjoy a Hot Oil Unrobed BodyRub from The Petite and Sweet Treat Cinderella call 90130♡32051 - 22
(Memphis, East/Downtown Memphis, Bartlett,Jackson)
☆ ☆ ❤P€RF€CT COMPANi0N F0R @LL Y0UR N@UGHTY PL€@SUR€S* • 💎❤.•*TRU€LY UNiQU€ »1 iN @ MiLLi0N ❤ ☆ ☆ - 28
(Memphis, OutCalls Everywhere!)
Thu 02 Jan
° °★ ° ° XxX RaTeD OPENMINDED ! ° * °★ ° * ° eXoTic BeAuTy° °★° - 22
(Memphis, Tunica, West Memphis)