Mon 27 Jan
Juicy big booty never ending fun 60 incall special available - 24
(Memphis, Democrat an airways airport area)
🚺⭐👯Highly Addictive⭐💜🌸 PeTite ⭐💠SeXy💁Gorgeous🌸♥⭐💠VerY Sk!lled⭐♥🌸EboNy Pleasure🍯🍭 - 25
(INCALL ONLY Airways by the Airport, Memphis)
******* Exotic Latina ******* 504 913 9320 or 617 821 6535******* ask for Apple - 23
(Memphis, airport area incalls/ democrat/airways)
coco leaving soon (813-406-1163)Have it how u like it love it imagine it CATCH ME WHILE UM HERE - 20
(Memphis, airways/airport)
Class, Jazz, & Ass!!!🌹🎀 Stunning & Down To Earth💋💄 Sweet Dip💦ask bout 2 girls outcall & incall - 19
(Memphis, Airways Airport Area Incall & Outcall)
* ~*~ * Chocolate Beauty - Recession Incall Spec. 80pearls-New Pics!~*~ *~ *~ *~ - 27
(Memphis/Airways-240/Airport area/In-Out)
* ~*~ * Chocolate Beauty - Recession Incall Spec. 80pearls* ~*~ *~ *~ *~ - 27
(Memphis/Airways-240/Airport area)
B2B🚹🚺🅰🚼✅🅰🚺🚹NEW IN TOWN 🚹🚺🅰🚼🚹🚼✅🅰🚺🚹 Young Asian 🚹🚺🅰🚼 ✅🅰🚺🚹 NuRu Massage ✅🚹🚺🅰🚼🅰🚹🚺✅🅰🚼🅰🚺🚹✅-INCALL - 21 - 21
(Memphis, Memphis/ Airport / Airways Blvd)
Airport area finest Blondes have the most fun tight and right dripping 40$$ incall special new pics - 24
(Memphis, Airport area "Airways and Democrat")
$80 V!S!T!NG ; E X O T I C ஐ EBONY ஐ HOTT!E. SPECIAL - 23
(Memphis, AIRPORT & AIRWAYS...IN/call..MY HOUSE)
Airport area finest Blondes have the most fun tight and right dripping 40$ in call special $$$$ - 24
(Memphis, Airport area "Airways and Democrat")
Airport area finest Blondes have the most fun tight and right dripping in call special $$$$ - 24
(Memphis, Airport area "Airways and Democrat")
*****Xperience Chocolate Beauty- *Special* 140 Hr In Only -Avail. In/Out***** - 27
(Memphis/Airways&240/Airport area)
Sun 12 Jan
$80 V!S!T!NG ; E X O T I C ஐ EBONY ஐ HOTT!E. SPECIAL - 23
(Memphis, AIRPORT & AIRWAYS...IN/call..MY HOUSE)
* ~*~ * Chocolate Beauty - Recession Incall Spec. 80pearls-New Pics!~*~ *~ *~ *~ - 27
(Memphis/Airways-240/Airport area/In-Out)
Sat 11 Jan
💋Open & Ready👅I Can Take Every Inch🍑..(ts) Pocahontas 9.5 hung & Fullyloaded...(special avail.)👇 - 23
(Memphis, Airport/ Airways Blvd n Democratic Rd🚘)
💋👅Happy Hour Specials🍑Juicy Ass 9.5 SheStick Hung&Fullyloaded; (No Rush) - 22
(Memphis, Airport/ Airways Blvd n Democratic Rd)
Juicey big booty never ending fun 60$ in call special $$$$ - 24
(Memphis, Airport area "Airways and Democrat")
Ready Now !!💦 Sloppy Toppy No Rush 📢Last Night!!!901-410-1417 - 25
(Airways and democrat airport area, Memphis)
coco leaving soon (813-406-1163)Have it how u like it love it imagine it CATCH ME WHILE UM HERE - 20
(Memphis, airways/airport)
coco leaving soon (901-502-4015) Have it how u like it love it imagine it CATCH ME WHILE UM HERE - 20
(Memphis, airways/airport)
Class, Jazz, & Ass!!!🌹🎀 Stunning & Down To Earth💋💄 Sweet Dip💦ask bout 2 girls outcall & incall - 19
(Memphis, Airways Airport Area Incall & Outcall)
Fri 10 Jan
💎💦SUPER SOAK HIM💦🍓Juicy Ass..🍌9in Hung & Fun💋 NO RUSH!!! Ask About my Holiday Special🎄🎀🎄 - 22
(Memphis, Airport/ Airways Blvd n Democratic Rd)
FREAKY FRIDAY'S (901-502-4015) Have it how u like it love it imagine it CATCH ME WHILE UM HERE - 20
(Memphis, airways/airport)
Airport area finest Blondes have the most fun tight and right dripping in call special $$$$ new pic - 24
(Memphis, Airport area "Airways and Democrat")
*****Xperience Chocolate Beauty -140 Hr InSpecials -Avail. In/Out***** - 27
(Memphis/Airways&240/Airport area)
💁👐💜Eŋɟɷʏ A Hɷt👯InTeNse (FullBody RųbDɷwŋ)👋💟👐 (Aѵɑiʆɑɓʆɛ Nơw) 4 Ur Rҽɭaҳatɩɷŋ 💙👐✋ ((InCall)) - 25
(INCALL ONLY Airways by the Airport, Memphis)
Airport area finest Blondes have the most fun tight and right dripping 40$$ incall special new pics - 24
(Memphis, Airport area "Airways and Democrat")
Juicey big booty never ending fun tight and right dripping 60$ in call special $$$$ - 24
(Memphis, Airport area "Airways and Democrat")
Airport area finest Blondes have the most fun tight and right dripping 40$ in call special $$$$ - 24
(Memphis, Airport area "Airways and Democrat")
Airport area finest Blondes have the most fun tight and right dripping in call special $$$$ - 24
(Memphis, Airport area "Airways and Democrat")
Thu 09 Jan
💎💦SUPER SOAK HIM💦🍓Juicy Ass..🍌9in Hung & Fun💋 NO RUSH!!! Ask About my Holiday Special🎄🎀🎄 - 22
(Memphis, Airport/ Airways Blvd n Democratic Rd)
💋Open & Ready👅I Can Take Every Inch🍑..(ts) Pocahontas 9.5 hung & Fullyloaded...(special avail.)👇 - 23
(Memphis, Airport/ Airways Blvd n Democratic Rd🚘)
* ~*~ * Chocolate Beauty - Recession Incall Spec. 80pearls* ~*~ *~ *~ *~ - 27
(Memphis/Airways-240/Airport area)
🏃🏃🏈 HalF🕝Tim£ 🎉FuN👉 So Dont Fumble the 🏈Ball & Score🎉a T⊙uChDoωN👇with (CASSIE BaNgZ))🎉 🏈 - 25
(INCALL ONLY Airways by the Airport, Memphis)
Juicey big booty never ending fun 60$ in call special $$$$ - 24
(Memphis, Airport area "Airways and Democrat")
💁👐💜Eŋɟɷʏ A Hɷt👯InTeNse (FullBody RųbDɷwŋ)👋💟👐 (Aѵɑiʆɑɓʆɛ Nơw) 4 Ur Rҽɭaҳatɩɷŋ 💙👐✋ ((InCall)) - 25
(INCALL ONLY Airways by the Airport, Memphis)
Wed 08 Jan
Love To Please Day And Night ♡♡40 specials Back in Town !(No Rush) 💦�🎉 10in of Fun - 24
(Memphis, Airways and Democrat/Airport Area)
💋👅Happy Hour Specials🍑Juicy Ass 9.5 SheStick Hung&Fullyloaded; (No Rush) - 22
(Memphis, Airport/ Airways Blvd n Democratic Rd)
Tue 07 Jan
*****Xperience Chocolate Beauty -140 Hr InSpecials -Avail. In/Out***** - 27
(Memphis/Airways&240/Airport area)
*****XXperience Chocolate Beauty -120 Hr Xmas InSpecials -Avail. In/Out***** - 27
(Memphis/Airways&240/Airport area)
Juicy big booty never ending fun 60 incall special available - 24
(Memphis, Democrat an airways airport area)
🚺⭐👯Highly Addictive⭐💜🌸 PeTite ⭐💠SeXy💁Gorgeous🌸♥⭐💠VerY Sk!lled⭐♥🌸EboNy Pleasure🍯🍭 - 25
(INCALL ONLY Airways by the Airport, Memphis)
******* Exotic Latina ******* 504 913 9320 or 617 821 6535******* ask for Apple - 23
(Memphis, airport area incalls/ democrat/airways)
Ready Now !!💦 Sloppy Toppy No Rush 📢Last Night!!!901-410-1417 - 25
(Airways and democrat airport area, Memphis)
Mon 06 Jan
*****Xperience Chocolate Beauty- *Special* 140 Hr In Only -Avail. In/Out***** - 27
(Memphis/Airways&240/Airport area)
Juicey big booty never ending fun tight and right dripping 60$ in call special $$$$ - 24
(Memphis, Airport area "Airways and Democrat")
B2B🚹🚺🅰🚼✅🅰🚺🚹NEW IN TOWN 🚹🚺🅰🚼🚹🚼✅🅰🚺🚹 Young Asian 🚹🚺🅰🚼 ✅🅰🚺🚹 NuRu Massage ✅🚹🚺🅰🚼🅰🚹🚺✅🅰🚼🅰🚺🚹✅-INCALL - 21 - 21
(Memphis, Memphis/ Airport / Airways Blvd)
Sun 05 Jan
FREAKY FRIDAY'S (901-502-4015) Have it how u like it love it imagine it CATCH ME WHILE UM HERE - 20
(Memphis, airways/airport)
coco leaving soon (901-502-4015) Have it how u like it love it imagine it CATCH ME WHILE UM HERE - 20
(Memphis, airways/airport)
Love To Please Day And Night ♡♡40 specials Back in Town !(No Rush) 💦�🎉 10in of Fun - 24
(Memphis, Airways and Democrat/Airport Area)
Sat 04 Jan
*****XXperience Chocolate Beauty -120 Hr Xmas InSpecials -Avail. In/Out***** - 27
(Memphis/Airways&240/Airport area)
🏃🏃🏈 HalF🕝Tim£ 🎉FuN👉 So Dont Fumble the 🏈Ball & Score🎉a T⊙uChDoωN👇with (CASSIE BaNgZ))🎉 🏈 - 25
(INCALL ONLY Airways by the Airport, Memphis)
Airport area finest Blondes have the most fun tight and right dripping in call special $$$$ new pic - 24
(Memphis, Airport area "Airways and Democrat")
Fri 03 Jan
*****XXperience Chocolate Beauty -140 Hr InSpecials -Avail. In/Out***** - 27
(Memphis/Airways&240/Airport area)
Thu 02 Jan