Mon 27 Jan
*👀NEW VIDEO🎥*💎💎Sexy Sultry Green Eyed🌴🚺 Exotic Hottie💋 - 19
(Memphis, Popular & Surrounding East Memphis Areas)
Slim, Sexy, & Ready !! For You Baby!
(Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cookeville, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities)
💎Mercedes💎 🌴Visiting From MIAMI🌴$100 $pecial ⏰ẠVẠłŁẠBŁẸ🌹 ₦Ø₩⏰ 💋🍯JUiCy [[BiiG BOOTy]9173823350 - 23
(Memphis, 🏪🏨 INCALL $100-SE Memphis American Way)
INTRODUCING LINDSEY AND VISION 901-351-1383 double UR pleasure - 30
(Memphis, MT MORIAH38117 MEMPHIS)
▃ ▂★F ☆i ★V ☆E★▂ ▃ ▄ ▇★S ☆T ★A ☆R★▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂★ F ☆ A ★ N ☆ T ★ A ☆ S ★ Y ☆▂ ▃ ▄ $$60 special - 22
(Memphis, memphis/tunca/surrounding areas)
*¨¨*-:¦: CAUTION *-:¦:-* YOUR NEW *-:¦:-* ADDICTION*¨¨* U WILL -:¦:- NEVER -:¦:- FORGET ME - - 25
(Memphis, Memphis East/Outcall/ Jackson/ Tunia)
9013646716 COCO WORKING HER POLE READY FOR FUN!!New Pictures 100%Gorgeous Me - 19
(Memphis, american way getwell Lamar' area IN CALL)
♡♥Enjoy a Hot Oil Unrobed BodyRub from The Petite and Sweet Treat Cinderella call 90130♡32051 - 22
(Memphis, East/Downtown Memphis, Bartlett,Jackson)
☆•★•☆ I am the Absolute B E S T 💋 ★•☆•★ Choice YOU could Make 💝❣ lets h a v e F U N ! - 20
(Memphis, Incall/Outcall ! Incalls & Outcalls !)
☼ $exy Full Breed Puerto Rican ☼ One Of Kind ↓ Why Keep Looking ↑ Im Here ♥ - 25
(Memphis, Memphis,Downtown,Tunica Casino,Airport)
*¨¨*-:¦: CAUTION *-:¦:-* YOUR NEW *-:¦:-* ADDICTION*¨¨* U WILL -:¦:- NEVER -:¦:- FORGET ME - - 25
(Memphis, Memphis East/Outcall/ Jackson/ Tunia)
Sun 12 Jan
❤ ██ SWEET ██ ❤ ██ AND ██ ❤ ██ N@UGHTY ██ ❤ ██CR@V!NG~ A~ SUP€R SW€€T TREAT?██ ❤ - 20
(Memphis, Airport Area)
'•.¸ ★¸. •'´¯ LeT mE ★ BE Your❣💋 {{N€W}} aDdiCtiON💋[K!NK¥ & uPsCaLE💋] OutCalls Avail❣ ¯`'•.¸ ★¸. •'´ - 22
Bootylicious 🍑🍑🍑PORNSTAR Kelly Divine wants you to spend hump day very happy!!😘💋💦🍌 Nov 2 to 8th - 31
~*CALL FOR ~ One or More Hot Beautiful Ladies ~ Sizzilin Hotties and Special Pricing *~ - 21
(Entire Memphis and Tunica)
Sat 11 Jan
Pr£tTy F@cE +Ph@T ApPlE Bott0m+38DDS =SheMale MADISON has all the TOYS for the BOYs.... - 24
(Memphis, East memphis)
E ast Memphis The Classy Doll. 9016432677 *real pics, look the same in person *aim to please, 8ff , - 23
(East Memphis, Memphis)
Available east Memphis 9016432677 EAST Memphis *REAL PICS YES THIS REALLY ME, look the same in pers - 23
(East Memphis, Memphis)
💋💋 Pretty petite SPINNER 💋💋 BEST in the BUISNESS 💋💋 MELT in your 👄 NOT in your 👋 - 20
(Memphis, mt. moriah incall & OUTCALLS 24/7)
¯`'•.¸ :¦:-•* ♀❤♀ ✔ ♥ ★==► ⓒ*ⓛ*ⓘ*ⓒ*ⓚ ★ ⓗ*ⓔ*ⓡ*ⓔ ◄== ★ For AMAZING specials 786 567 7041 ♥ - 19
(Memphis, eastmemphis,IN & OUTCALL,7865677041)
😍😍😘👆Freaky Sexy Red Head Sno buni in calls available special Qv80 - 19
(East Memphis area in call, Memphis)
★;.•:*SEdUcTivE EXotiC SeXy All NaTuRal Russian Model *:•. ★;.•:* - 22
(Memphis, East Memphis, Jackson, Tunica, In/Out)
~>COME Visit Our TeAcHeRs Lounge :Lets PLAY ShOw AnD TeLl!!! 1+1=150? °••° - 22
(Memphis, Memphis,Tunica,Millington)
"A Real Flawle$$ Super Freak" 📞Me ♋Available Now👅Specializing in All Fetishes - 28
(Memphis, M town Airport🚝Area)
▓★MEMPHiS FiNEST★▓ •◆• in & outcall party ◆• ⇨◆⇨◆ video inside ◆⇦◆⇦ My Birthday is in *7 Days* ツ - 19
(Memphis, Sycamore View, 7865677041, Call/Txt)
Click Here!!! Click Here!!! ~ I Can Do Magic on You~~ *T*R*Y* M*E*!!!!!!! Best 80 Special Intown !! - 25
(Memphis, Austin Peay or U Call I Come)
Fri 10 Jan
::.. STuNNiNG LATiNA :: with CuRVEs of YoUR SaTiSFACTiON ..:: BeTTeR than ToNiGHTS DESSeRT..:: - 24
(Memphis, Jackson TN oh IM BACK)
(¯`'.¸+ NEW (¯`'.¸ MARIE + ¸.'´¯) CALL NOW ¸.'´¯) YOU WANT BE DISAPPOINTED !! = sExY = eXoTiC - 21
(Incalls & Outcalls, MEMPHIS,TUNICA,)
😋💦🍑 Last Night In Town 50$$ Hh Special Anything SAFE Goes 💦💦🍑🍆😋💦 - 21
(Memphis, SycamoreView, $$50 hh Special 💦💦💦)
★ • • • • • • • ▃ ▅ ▆ █ ★ SEXY YOUNG Tootie BootyYy™ STARLET AVAiLABLE ★ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ • • • • • • • ★ - 19
(Memphis, incall specials, east memphis, I - 240 E)
Black Indian and Portican Slim Gorgeous Playmate SuNdAy sPeCiAlS CaLl nOw - 21
(memphis/tunica casinos)
2 bbws aint missing a drip come get the passionate double mouf clients love us 30 roses a piece - 26
Available east Memphis 9016432677 EAST Memphis *REAL PICS YES THIS REALLY ME, look the same in pers - 23
☆•★•☆ 😳 Wonder what C O L O R 🎨 paNtiiEs I have O N👙 ★•☆•★ 🚗 Come Find O U T❣ 💘 💘 - 20
(Memphis, EAST MEMPHIS Incalls & Outcalls !)
Selina $tax Italian, Philippino, Latin Beauty - 26
(Memphis, Memphis,Tunica,West Memphis,Surrounding)
Airport area finest Blondes have the most fun tight and right dripping in call special $$$$ - 24
(Memphis, Airport area "Airways and Democrat")
Thu 09 Jan