Mon 27 Jan
Upscale beautiful tranny sexy passable body beautiful face fully functional water gun... - 21
.·´¯*★Nuru Body Rub¯*★ . CoMe SEe Me Now★ TRuLy AMaZ ing.· *★Incall Only 🌟 U WoNt ReGreT It! - 21
(Memphis, Incall ~ Near 240)
SenSuaL LuStiNg & TeNdeR TouChiNg 901*359*4439 MutuaL PleaSuRe WitH A SexXy lady! LeAve HaPpY!! - 30
(Memphis, waiting for you:) with my soft hands!!)
Earlybirds,avail now NUDE BODYRUBS,ENTER MY Loveden. Bombshell Beauty*80@ HR* Endless Possibilities - 28
(Memphis, Upscale Incall in Cordova)
Elena In town for a week! August 14th-August 20th
(Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cookeville, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities, Outcall)
(((((☆♧☆♡ Adorable NINA is back in Memphis!!! 100% New pictures, Call me Now !!!☆♧☆♡))))) - 24
(Memphis, Memphis East/ incall -outcall)
😃Sanctuary Bodyworks Nashville 635-9444😃 New Gorgeous Ladies😃 CALL/TEXT/BOOK 😃RELAX (615) 635-9444 😃 - 23
(Nashville, Nashville, TN ❤(615)635-9444)
(PROSTATE PlaY) Kinky & sweet💟(9015306775)💖 MutuaL FuN! Tender Touching 💖 highly recommended💜 - 30
(Memphis, Waiting for you half naked)
.·´¯*★Nuru Body Rub¯*★ . CoMe SEe Me Now★ 100$pecial.· *★Incall Only --🌟 U WoNt ReGreT It! - 21
(Memphis, Incall ~ poplar & 240)
Meet Kira - 24 Y/O, Best Massage!!!!
(Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cookeville, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities, Outcall)
Meet Kira - 24 Y/O, Best Massage!!!!
(Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cookeville, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities, Outcall)
Sun 12 Jan
(PROSTATE PlaY) Kinky & sweet💟(9015306775)💖 MutuaL FuN! Tender Touching 💖 highly recommended💜 - 30
(Memphis, Waiting for you half naked)
.·´¯*★Nuru Body Rub¯*★ . CoMe SEe Me Now★ 100$pecial.· *★Incall Only --🌟 U WoNt ReGreT It! - 21
(Memphis, Incall ~ poplar & 240)
Sat 11 Jan
(((((☆♧☆♡ Adorable NINA is back in Memphis!!! 100% New pictures, Call me Now !!!☆♧☆♡))))) - 24
(Memphis, Memphis / east incall-outcall)
🍃➰🍃➰🍃Upscale Treatment for High Class men ONLY🍃➰🍃➰🍃 Relax with me🍃➰🍃➰ Tantilizing Massage 🍃➰🍃➰🍃➰ - 28
80$$ 4 an hr ► ► ► Experience The Ultimate In Relaxation ******* - 27
(Memphis, Incall/Outcall)
Check us out. One stop Shop😊We have several Beautiful Women and are looking to hire new staff!!! - 25
(Memphis, U of M area)
Fri 10 Jan
80$$ 4 an hr ► ► ► Experience The Ultimate In Relaxation ******* - 27
(Memphis, Incall/Outcall)
NudeonNude SENSUAL, 4handed, Bodyrubs★ ENDless POSSibilities, 9013994440. - 26
(Memphis, Upscale Incall, Off I40 Germantown pkwy)
Thu 09 Jan
🍃➰🍃➰🍃Upscale Treatment for High Class men ONLY🍃➰🍃➰🍃 Relax with me🍃➰🍃➰ Tantilizing Massage 🍃➰🍃➰🍃➰ - 28
Check us out. One stop Shop😊We have several Beautiful Women and are looking to hire new staff!!! - 25
(Memphis, U of M area)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
UP ALL NIGHT..... NUDE BODYRUBS,ENTER MY Loveden. Bombshell Beauty*80@ HR* Endless Possibilities - 28
(Memphis, Upscale Incall in Cordova)
Gorgeous Busty Blonde Ready To Play! SPECIALS! LEAVING TOWN SOON! - 24
(Memphis, Memphis, West Memphis, Tunica)
*** Fantasy Fingers *** For A Rub Down at a Great Rate !! 9016901748 - 42
😃Sanctuary Bodyworks Nashville 635-9444😃 New Gorgeous Ladies😃 CALL/TEXT/BOOK 😃RELAX (615) 635-9444 😃 - 23
(Nashville, Nashville, TN ❤(615)635-9444)
Mon 06 Jan
(((((☆♧☆♡ Adorable NINA is back in Memphis!!! 100% New pictures, Call me Now !!!☆♧☆♡))))) - 24
(Memphis, Memphis / east incall-outcall)
Upscale beautiful tranny sexy passable body beautiful face fully functional water gun... - 21
Elena In town for a week! August 14th-August 20th
(Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cookeville, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities, Outcall)
Sun 05 Jan
*** Fantasy Fingers *** For A Rub Down at a Great Rate !! 9016901748 - 45
NudeonNude SENSUAL, 4handed, Bodyrubs★ ENDless POSSibilities, 9013994440. - 26
(Memphis, Upscale Incall, Off I40 Germantown pkwy)
Korean Carol has entered the building... - 23
(Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cookeville, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities, Outcall)
Sat 04 Jan
UP ALL NIGHT..... NUDE BODYRUBS,ENTER MY Loveden. Bombshell Beauty*80@ HR* Endless Possibilities - 28
(Memphis, Upscale Incall in Cordova)
*** Fantasy Fingers *** For A Rub Down at a Great Rate !! 9016901748 - 42
.·´¯*★Nuru Body Rub¯*★ . CoMe SEe Me Now★ TRuLy AMaZ ing.· *★Incall Only 🌟 U WoNt ReGreT It! - 21
(Memphis, Incall ~ Near 240)
SenSuaL LuStiNg & TeNdeR TouChiNg 901*359*4439 MutuaL PleaSuRe WitH A SexXy lady! LeAve HaPpY!! - 30
(Memphis, waiting for you:) with my soft hands!!)
~It's my last24 town guys...Book now!!~~ My pleasure ~~~ Your Treat !! $ outcall$ - 29
(Memphis, tunica and west memphis area)
(((((☆♧☆♡ Adorable NINA is back in Memphis!!! 100% New pictures, Call me Now !!!☆♧☆♡))))) - 24
(Memphis, Memphis East/ incall -outcall)
Fri 03 Jan
👠Long Legs👠🌷Hair past my Waist🌷💋Beautiful Face💋💄Blue Eyes💄🌻Classic Smile🌻 - 21
(Memphis, Southeast Memphis)
Upscale beautiful tranny sexy passable body beautiful face fully functional water gun... - 22
Earlybirds,avail now NUDE BODYRUBS,ENTER MY Loveden. Bombshell Beauty*80@ HR* Endless Possibilities - 28
(Memphis, Upscale Incall in Cordova)
Body To Body Fine Body Massage. You Don't Want To Miss This One. - 23
(Memphis, Memphis IN AND OUT CALLS)
*** Fantasy Fingers *** For A Rub Down at a Great Rate !! 9016901748 - 45
👠Long Legs👠🌷Hair past my Waist🌷💋Beautiful Face💋💄Blue Eyes💄🌻Classic Smile🌻 - 21
(Memphis, Southeast Memphis)
Thu 02 Jan
~It's my last24 town guys...Book now!!~~ My pleasure ~~~ Your Treat !! $ outcall$ - 29
(Memphis, tunica and west memphis area)